Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Feeding the Ducks

Student:  Have you ever fed ducks?
Me: Yeah, I have actually.
Student:  That means you've killed them.
Me: What?
Student:  Yeah, one the speeches, during toastmasters today was about how when you feed ducks, they get really fat, their stomachs can't handle the bread or crackers, and they die.
Me:  Oh....well I won't do it anymore!
Student:  Don't worry, you didn't know.  You're still going to Heaven.

Whew!   :-)  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Getting a Girlfriend

Sometimes I like to just sit back and listen to these kids talk to each other. 

Student #1:  I spent some time with my girlfriend this weekend.
Student # 2:  You got a girlfriend?
Student #1:  Yeah, but she doesn't go to this school.  We email and talk on the phone.
Student #2:  That's awesome that you finally got a girlfriend!   

They give each other a high five, lol! 

Student #2:  Yeah, I might be getting one too.
Student # 1:  That's really great!  

These kids are too cute for words sometimes! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Brutally Honest

One of my students always talks to me about my handwriting.  Mainly that she likes it, wants me to write on the board, write her a letter, etc..  

Today, after I taught her class, she had some constructive criticism for me. 

Student:  Ms. Sabio, your handwriting was not good news today.
Me:  What do you mean not good news?
Student:  It was just ok.  You could do better next time. 

She's harsh!  lol

Friday, February 28, 2014

Being 21

Student # 1:  I want to be married so bad Ms. Sabio!
Me: Why?
Student #1: Because I want to be 21, that's why!
Student # 2:  Well, you need to be an adult to be 21 and to be married, when you have old skin.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cup of...

While working on this word retrieval exercise, I was having this client fill in the blank.

Me: A cup of....
Client: Water! or lemonade!  Or you know that thing that makes people drunk....oh alcohol!

She seemed so proud of herself that she remembered that!  She went on...

Client:  No wait, a cup doesn't make people drunk, a bottle of alcohol does!  I know it's true, I've seen it on TV!

What the heck is this 11 year old watching??  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sorting Parts of Speech

A group and I were deciding what parts of speech different words were, and the card "ugly" came up, and this is how that strange conversation went...

Me: Put the word ugly in a sentence.
Student # 1:  A baby's face is ugly.
Me: What?  That's not very nice!
Student # 2:  I got one!
Me:  OK, go ahead.
Student # 2: Grandma is ugly!
Me:  That's not very nice either!
Student # 2:  OK, Grandma is not ugly, just her foot!

So hard to keep from laughing at this point...

Student #2:  I have another one!  Drunk guys are ugly.  You know that ones that drink all the alcohol?
Me:  You think drunk guys are ugly?
Student # 2:  Well, not all drunk guys are ugly.  Some of them are handsome, the ones in bow tie shirts.

One of the funniest sessions I've had in awhile.  I'm just glad they were using the word correctly.    

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Passing Notes

I got these notes today from a couple of students.  They speak for themselves.  One of the many reasons I keep coming back to work.  I absolutely love my job. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Don't Put all your Eggs in one Basket

While discussing this proverb with a student, I was giving an example of not applying to just one college, but a few just in case.

Me: So where do you want to go to college after high school?
Student:  Oh, I've had enough school...
Me: What do you mean?
Student:  You know, I've already done preschool, elementary school, middle school, and now high school.  I'm just done!

Haha!  He has a point, that is a lot of school years under his belt!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ultimate Band Wagoner

One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is football band wagoners:

Student:  Did you watch the Superbowl?
Me: Of course I did!  Did you?
Student: I did, who did you root for?
Me: I was hoping the Seahawks would beat the Broncos.
Student:  Oh my dad was rooting for the Broncos and so I did too.  But then I saw them losing really badly so I decided to root for the other team and when they won, I was so happy!!!  (he was genuinely excited!)

I would love to dislike this kid for switching teams WITHIN a game, but I just couldn't!    

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hate letter

This was shared with me by my colleague and good friend Marsha Salmon. A student last year, when meeting Ms. Salmon for the first time, didn't believe her last name was Salmon and kept insisting it was fish.   Hence this letter, which speaks for itself: 

Potato Chips

It was after lunch and I was teaching a small group other words for hungry (i.e, famished, starving, ravenous).

Me: Are you feeling famished?
Student: No I'm not! I just ate lunch! But I would like some junk food.
Me: Sorry, I don't have any junk food.
Student (while laughing): Oh please give me some potato chips you potato hater!

I love these kids and their random comments.   

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Exciting Things at the Mall

I always ask the kids what they did over the weekend and yesterday was the Tuesday after MLK.

Me: Anyone do anything exciting over the three day weekend?
Student: Oh yes!  I had a great weekend!
Me: Oh yeah?  What did you do?
Student:  Well, I went to the mall! (he said this with such excitement)
Me:  Was there anything exciting going on at the mall this weekend?
Student!  Oh yes!  There were sales!

Well, he's right!  Sales are very exciting!  Especially in this economy.  This one made me laugh out loud!