One day, while I was working with a group of students, one of them busts out this can of Barbasol. I knew he wasn't going to start shaving right there in the middle of speech, but I was intrigued to see what would happen next. He starts unscrewing the bottom of the can...
It's a can filled with cotton swabs? Hmm.... Cotton swabs were the last thing I'd expect to see from a fake can of Barbasol.
Me: Um, where did you get that can?
Student: At the International Spy Museum in Washington DC.
Me: Reminds of the can in Jurassic Park!
Student: Yeah.
Me: So what are the Q-tips for?
Student: For when my ears are itchy.
He then proceeds to take one out and starts swabbing his inner ear! I explained that the best place to probably do that is the bathroom so other people wouldn't be weirded out.
Student: Oh all right (as he begrudgingly screws the can back).
I wonder what else is at the International Spy Museum! This is photographic proof that you can't just make this stuff up sometimes! Love my students!!
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